By: Tehniat Fatima Ahmed
That’s how the wheel turns.
Thinking is morphed into the truth.
Even though it is a mere assumption.
It’s who you are
More like, it’s what you are.
The excellence of definitions expand
But, alas all lie.
What drives them to lie.
Was jealousy the typical answer?
Was it accurate?
To an extent.
Why not fully?
Thus, she smiles.
An act that lifts the corner of her mouth
But contradicts the usual.
Portraying understanding and glints of grief.
Pain drives everything.
Ultimately, it is crowned king.
Even when such though times have pulled everything to a screeching halt, many instances can be witnessed where humans have proved to appear as selfish as they can be. The crisis, which affects the whole world from every angle whether related to health or economics, is still not enough to bring empathy and kindness in a few hearts. Rather, domestic violence has increased as a matter of fact. This blessing is taken as an excuse to channel one’s aggression in the wrong way. No, they won’t self-reflect, they’d rather make other lives hell as their own once were.
Humanity is a word that many understand while others show that they do but are enemies of one from within. To see that everyone is striving their battles, that everyone crawls once in a while and that sometimes efforts may not be visible or productive but that’s fine. That one can take their time that everything consumes energy and a piece of one’s mind to perfect. But, many would disagree; they would voice that unless we put this in front of the others how will they learn? Well, I hate to break it you but you’re no celestial body.
You aren’t in control of how the other should turn out to be and you are no one to think or implement such stupidity. If you are given authority then try using it wisely, if you are granted a second chase then don’t throw it away. Be careful, unless you want the latter to break and inflict your pain as well. Another misconception that pairs with this one are the ugly “self-less” perspective that they do all of this for others benefit. We do so much that when tough times arrive, one is strong enough to endure. What you miss to paint in this picture, either you miss it as a result of being unaware or you’re devastatingly arrogant, is that you are ruining yourself. To state that such atrocities were carried out with you and they are nothing compared to what you do to others, in turn, you’re just flooding others with hate directed towards you.
If you hurt someone, if you break them, please be responsible enough to shoulder the hurt it causes you and the blame that waltz along with it. And if you haven’t done that till now, I won’t say that it’s too late. You can still apologize but then, the disappointment and the crumbled expectations will glare back at you right in the eye. Happy Regretting!
(Photo: Original Abstract Painting by Rosa Gunasingha)