By: Areebah Huq
There’s something oddly comforting about airports. Maybe it’s the fact that everyone, and I mean everyone, is excited. Especially in the layover airports. Some are excited to step foot into someplace new and others, to get home. It’s funny how both of these motives are complete opposites of each other, and yet they are both linked to the same emotions. Everyone has a different story, a different reason to smile. But the best part about airports is that nobody cares. Nobody cares if you’re wearing sweatpants and having coffee at the oddest times. Nobody care that your hair is a mess and your eyes look bloodshot due to lack of sleep. Mostly because everyone is in the same state except some freaks of nature. I have never once seen people be miserable in airports. Of course there’s sadness. Leaving home to spend months abroad, arriving home from a blissful vacation. Seeing your loved ones fly away a million miles away from you, but thats’s not misery. It’s the kind of sadness that doesn’t let you be happy, not the kind that breaks your heart. You are never going to feel lonely in an airport. Ever. Maybe it’s the queues, or the cafes swarming with people, the constant chatter, the friendly smiles from strangers you are most likely never to see again. Yet it’s the warmth of airports that’s so contending, like, you know that somewhere in the world, someone is happy. Also has anyone noticed that everyone in airports is so helpful. It’s like inside these places acting as a connection between us and aircrafts, people leave behind all hatred. Things like racism, sexism, superiority are seemed to be left behind the doors of airports. Regardless of what your race, nationality, age, gender or status you have, if you ask for help, nobody will deny you. I have had my fair share of experiences with airports, and the layover airports are my absolute favorites. Why? Because that’s when I let everything sink in. If I’m going to someplace new, it’s in the layover airport that I think “ I’m going there. I’m finally going there. “ Or if I’m returning home it is in the layover airports that I think “It’s over. I’m going home. “ It’s amazing, honestly, the diversity of this world. Airports are filled with people from all over the world, and you see how one place can harbor so many, so different people. Well they say that it’s the journey that matters more than the destination, but honestly when you’re flying, the airports are worth taking in.
(Image from here.)