By: Ayyan Sheikh
Apoliticism is the lack of feeling, emotions or interest, generally known as apathy, or the voluntary or involuntary dislike for something, called antipathy, towards all political affiliations. It is also referred to as being politically neutral and unbiased.
Now, I know how people consider this to be a choice, but, is it really? Should it really be a choice in a world mostly ruled by a social phenomenon known as capitalism? Where there is always someone who controls and shapes the collective actions of the society? Where government policies affect some people more than the others? Where equality in terms of wealth and status can never be achieved due to the limited resources? The answer to this is no. Why? Well, take for example, feminism. Its literal meaning is advocacy of women's rights on the basis that there should be equality of the sexes. Yes, equality of the sexes. But why do we, for a greater part, only see women advocating for this? Why are some people against it when it's only asking for basic human rights? The answer to that is because it doesn't affect them. Well, at least not positively. Why would they stand up for something that doesn't even affect them? It’s because they can afford to not care. It’s because they aren’t the one killed for just their gender, they aren’t the one oppressed for being a woman and they aren’t the one working extra hard just to get the same result as the opposite gender who don't need to put in the extra effort. This brings us back to the topic at hand. Privilege. Men don't care about equal rights because they have all the rights they need. They don't care about feminism because they have almost all the societal support they want and most importantly men don't care about feminism because of their male privilege. This is the same case with being apolitical. Why would the rich care if they are not being negatively affected by the government? And even if they are, it's not enough to make them choose between revolting and dying of hunger. It’s not enough to make them care and this is because of their privilege.
Disengaging from politics and its consequences is a luxury not everyone can afford. Being apolitical signifies implicit approval of the current social, political and economic structure of the world. It shows the unadulterated support of the oppressive patriarchy and the social and economic inequalities. Those who choose to look away, have the privilege to do so. It's a privilege not many people have. With constant issues and marches and rallies with people fighting for their own basic rights, how can a person claim that being entirely neutral and unbiased is an option?
Capitalism is sucking the poor dry, there are racists everywhere who wholeheartedly believe that they are superior just because of their race, there is drug abuse, domestic abuse, drunk driving, illegal smuggling, unfair price system, not enough food, not enough jobs, transphobia, and yet people choose to not stand up for what's right? For some people, politics does not end with just casting their vote. There are consequences of choosing not to stand up and those who don't suffer through these violations are inherently privileged. People’s rights and lives are depending on others caring and standing up for them. People are dying and suffering and the privileged class thinking of not speaking up is nothing but a cowardly act.
According to the University of San Francisco’s Check Your Privilege campaign, “ If you don't have to think about it, it's a privilege”. Being able to afford to ignore the parts of society that do not directly affect you but are instead a great deal of concern for others is a privilege and it's time we start talking about it and start condemning this action of not caring. This in no way means that everyone should become an activist, rather, it is there to encourage people to use their privilege to stand up for others because empowered people empower others and it's time we implemented that.
beautifully portrayed! i will like to share some insight on the point you made about the lack of support for feminism from the male department. living in a patriarchal society that thrives on the violent oppression of women, i do agree with the fact that feminism does not receive the light it deserves because men cannot be bothered by women receiving fundamental human rights. however, some of the blame is to be shared by radical feminists as well who have restructured this great movement to serve petty needs like their desires for wearing certain clothes etc. while i fully stand by every human expressing themselves in the attire of their choice, it is this very issue that has led the…