By: Sameen Salahuddin
In a different reality, further away, in perhaps what others do not believe in, lay other secrets, so profound that even the vastness of this universe cannot comprehend.
The mortal brain cannot comprehend, especially when it lets itself be bound by its own limitations, its own views.
But to explore, to travel across, against all odds, into a deeper reality, despite the will of man, the secrets of the unknown can come to you.
It is to no longer be bound, held back by the shackles of man, it is the desire to be free, to be elevated to an entirely new plane, it is to find an escape.
An escape we run towards, in a multitude of realities, towards this one or towards another, reality is a reality, regardless of which we belong to.
Secrets remain secrets, to find out destroys the purpose, To learn a secret is to steal the essence of reality.
To steal that essence, to take it for yourself, is to become part of that reality.
We live in a reality we know the secrets off, not all, never all, but enough, enough to steal the essence and become a part of it.
We are part of the reality we live in
But we can become part of another reality we learn off.
Even when its own won't embrace us, the reality will, for we learned its secrets.
Its mere existence, only knowing about its existence allows us to become part of it.
We hunt and we search, we gain all knowledge we can reach, chase after every corner we see, we run after hints and stumble across forgotten facts, and yet...and yet often we, often many cannot find.
To find is a miracle of its own, to become part of it is an experience only the worthy go through.
Despite it all, the shadows and the confidentiality, the mist that falls over it, blocking our view, it is there, there, somewhere near, somewhere far away, perhaps you have already walked through it, perhaps you have already experienced it without knowing.
No two realities are the same, Within our own reality exist a multitude of personalities, of figures, each with their own reality, we are part of their reality, we are part of the realities of strangers even, the ones we came across, the ones who saw us but passed by us.
Those realities became home to us, a home to others can still be home to many, we let them become part of our reality, and they, us. But even then, our reality should not revolve around theirs, It should revolve around our own views and imagination, not of others.
And perhaps, when our reality becomes our own, when satisfaction breathes in through us, we will discover another reality, but a reality of another world, not of another person, even when a person itself is a whole world, but the huge encompass of the universe, we will learn many more secrets, the secrets we need, yet, we still keep searching, still keep looking, hoping for more.
May we find more.
(Photo from here.)