By: Ghadaq Zia
In our life, we come across sicknesses that need attending to. Some people may approach the sickness with pharmaceutical medicines whereas others may go with home remedies that are passed down from one generation to another. A lot of home remedies have been beneficial. It is not necessary that it works for everyone. There even may be a scientific backup.
Here are some home remedies that one can pursue with kitchen food items:
1- Pomegranate juice: The intake of this juice daily is good for the heart.
2- Watermelon juice: in the summer if you come across headaches because of the heat, it can be cured by watermelon juice.
3- Cucumber: Cucumber that is grated when applied over the eyes, face and the neck is good for acne and blackheads when left for 15 minutes
4- Garlic juice: If you would like to relieve ear pain, a drop of garlic juice will do you justice.
5- Baking soda and lemon juice: A mixture of these two components and then applied on the underarms helps to reduce body odor which can be especially useful in the summertime due to the immense sweating that takes place which can carry more smell.
6- Ginger 1: Menstrual cramps, that can be extremely painful can be helped with ginger.
7- Sugar: If you having a hiccup episode, put one teaspoon of sugar underneath the tongue.
8- Ginger 2: If you are feeling nauseous, have some ginger tea, here is the recipe for making ginger tea;
1- Half an inch of raw ginger should be grated.
2- Two cups of water should be boiled and this water should be poured over the ginger that was grated.
3- Then for 5 to 10 minutes, you should let the mixture sit.
4- For this last step all you have to do is the juice from lemon and honey should be added to it.
Do all of these steps and you will have ginger tea which will benefit you. Make sure not to burn yourself with hot water!
9- Mint: If you are having any muscle pain or there is a problem with your digestion, mint should be taken.
10- Green tea: Green tea has many benefits and is very good for the body. It can relax a person and can help with stomach gas problems when ginger is added to it. It protects your cells from damage and it also helps fight diseases. Another advantage is that it can also prevent food poisoning. It can prevent diabetes too. It also gives you healthy skin. It strengthens food enamel and prevents bad breath. So as you can see here that there are many benefits to drinking green tea and it also very easy to make and not many ingredients are required to make it and it takes 4 to 5 minutes in order for it to be made. It helps with the prevention of many issues so do have a good intake of it as prevention is better than cure.
11- Neti pot: Now the name be of one not heard before but basically it is used to ease allergies and cold symptoms. Basically what you do is put a mixture of salt and warm water in a teapot and then pour through one nostril and out the other. It does sound difficult but you need to get a hang of it first to do it properly well
I hope these come of benefit to you, if you are having some form of problem/s that are listed above.
(Image from here.)